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What is sleep
Sleep is an important part of your daily routine. You spend about a third of your time sleeping . Quality sleep   and adequate availability at the right time, are essential for survival such as food and water. Without sleep , you cannot create or direct pathways in your brain that allow you to learn and create new memories and help to concentrate and respond quickly. Nerve cells

(Neurons) Sleep is important for a number of brain functions, including communicating with one another. In fact, your brain and body are noticeably active while you sleep. Recent research has found that sleep plays a role as a housekeeper in your brain that removes toxins from your brain so that you feel healthy while awake.

Everyone needs sleep , but its biological purpose remains a mystery. Sleep affects almost every type of tissue and system in the body. From the brain, heart and lungs to the role of sleep in metabolism, immunity, mood and immune system. Studies show that chronic sleepiness, or poor sleep quality, increases the risk of many other disorders, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity. Sleep is a complex and dynamic process in which scientists are now beginning to understand that sleep affects your day-to-day work. By reading this article you will find out the essentials of sleep and what happens to the brain during sleep . 

The internal structure of sleep 
Several structures in the brain are involved with sleep . Inside the brain called the hypothalamus , there is a group of peanut-shaped nerve cells that affect sleep and stress and act as a control center. The hypothalamus includes the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) - a cluster of thousands of cells that receives information about the intensity of light directly from the eye and controls your behavioral rhythm.

Some SCN sufferers sleep involuntarily all day long because they cannot match their circadian rhythms with a light-dark cycle. Most blind people have some ability to understand the light and their sleep is able to correct that awakening cycle. The brain stem, which is located at the base of the brain, interacts with the hypothalamus to control the condition between our waking and sleeping. (This includes structures called the pons, medulla, and midbrain on the brain stem .) The cells that sleep inside the hypothalamus and brain stem produce a chemical called GABA, which stimulates the activity of the hypothalamus and brain stem.

The brain stem (especially the pons and medulla) sleep REMIt also plays a special role; It sends signals to the brain to relax the muscles needed for body posture and limbs, so that we do not make our dreams unfulfilled. The thalamus acts as a relay of information about sensory to cerebral cortex (brain covering that interprets and processes information from short to long-term memory). During most stages of sleep, the thalamus calms you down, giving you a tune in to the outside world. But during REM sleep, the thalamus is active and sends cortex, images, sounds and other sensations that fulfill our dreams. The pineal gland, which is located between the two hemispheres of the brain, receives signals from the SCN and increases the production of the hormone melatonin, forcing you to sleep in the absence of light.

People who have lost their eyesight and cannot use natural light to adjust their natural wake-up cycles can stabilize their sleep patterns by taking small amounts of melatonin at the same time each day. Scientists believe that over time the peaks and valleys of the melatonin are important for the body's circadian rhythm to coincide with the outward cycle of light and darkness.

The basal forebrain near the front and bottom of the brain also promotes sleep and wakefulness, while a portion of the midbrain, on the other hand, acts as an exciting system. Adenosine (a chemical byproduct for cellular energy use) from cells in the basal forebrain and possibly other regions accelerates your cycle of degeneration. Caffeine blocks the activity of adenosine in your brain and fights against sleep apnea. The amygdala, a nut-shaped structure that engages in your sensitivity,    becomes increasingly active during REM sleep.

Sleep phase 
There are two main stages of sleep : rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep (which have three separate phases). Each is associated with specific brain waves and neuronal activity.
Usually   you pass the REM and NONE REM periods every night. However
Increasingly longer, deeper RM periods occur in the morning. 

Stage 1 - The  change in sleep from waking is R-RM sleep. During these brief periods of relatively light sleep (lasting several minutes), your heartbeat, breathing and eye movement slow down, and your muscles sometimes relax. The waves in your brain begin to slow down from the awakening pattern of their day.
The second paryaya non-araiema sleep to light sleep, deep sleep period before entering. In this way your body temperature drops and eye movement stops. The activity of the brain waves is slow. You are more involved in this cycle of recurring sleep cycles than other sleep stages.
Third   Stage - Non-REM stage is a period of deep sleep that wakes you up in the morning. This happens for a long time in the first half of the night. During this time your heartbeat and breathing remain at their lowest level. Then your muscles relax and you may find it difficult to wake up. The brain waves slow down. 
The REM stage occurs about 90 minutes after sleep . When your eyes are closed, your eyes move quickly from the back of the eyelid to the other side. Combined frequency results in the brain's activity in the wake. Your breathing becomes fast and irregular, and your heart beat rate and blood pressure increase almost to the point of waking. Most of your dream REM trailers happen during sleep.
Although sometimes dreams can be made at non-RAM level. At this stage, the muscles of your arms and legs are temporarily paralyzed, which prevents you from achieving your dreams. As you grow older, you sleep less time in REM sleep. Both non-REM and REM sleep are required for memory consolidation.

Sleep mechanism
Two internal biological processes - Circadian Rhythm  and  Homeostasis work together while you are awake and asleep. Circadian Rhythm carries out a variety of functions including body temperature, metabolism and hormone secretion. These control your sleep time and help you sleep at night and make you more inclined to wake up in the morning without alarm. Your body's biological clock, which  controls about 20 hours a day, controls most of the  Circadian Rhythm . Circadian Rhythm  synchronizes with environmental signals (light, temperature) to be aware of the actual time of day. But they persist even in the absence of a signal. Sleep-awake  Homeostasis  monitors your sleep needs.   

Homeostasis  sleep drive reminds the body to sleep after a certain period of time and controls the intensity of sleep. This sleep drive gets stronger with every hour you wake up and gives you longer and deeper sleep after a period of sleep deprivation.

Factors that affect your sleep-wake-up needs include treatment conditions, medicine, stress, sleep environment, and your diet. Light exposure has the biggest impact. The cells specialized in the retinas of your eye process light and tell the brain the difference between day and night, which can delay or delay our sleep-wake cycle.
Light exposure can prevent us from falling asleep or while sleeping. Night shift workers often have trouble falling asleep after going to bed and have trouble staying awake during work hours as they  disrupt natural  circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. In the case of the jet lag, the Circadian Rhythm   moves away from compatibility over time when people move to a different time zone, creating a discrepancy between their internal clock and the actual clock.

How many hours   do you need to sleep ? 
Your sleep needs and your sleep patterns vary with your age. Sleep time can be different for everyone of the same age. Children initially sleep for 3 to 4 hours every day, which increases growth and development (especially in the brain). School-age children and adolescents need 7 hours of sleep each night. Most adults need 3-5 hours of sleep a night but after the age of 5 the night sleep is less and lighter. Generally, people are getting less sleep than they need to because of long work hours and twenty-four hours of relaxation and other activities. Many people think that they can get enough of their sleep deprivation on vacation, but that is not the case. We need to remember that regular sleep is not an option for adequate sleep.

What is a dream Why do people dream?

We all dream about sleeping . You spend about 2 hours every night dreaming , but most of you don't remember the dream . The exact purpose of this is not yet known, but dreaming helps you process your emotions. The events of the day often invade your thoughts during sleep. People with stress or anxiety are more likely to have nightmares. Dreams can be vital to any stage of sleep, but usually REM is most evident in sleep apnea. Some people dream of color, others in black and white colors only sbapnagulii can remember.

Can't sleep? What should be done for a good sleep?
Getting enough sleep is good for your health. Here are some tips to improve your sleep : 

Set a schedule - Get in bed and get up at the same time every day.
 Practice various exercises 20 to 30 minutes a day but a few hours before bed. 
Avoid caffeine and nicotine at the end of the day and alcoholic drinks before bed.
 Get comfortable before going to bed - try a hot bath or some other relaxing routine. 
Make a room for sleep - Avoid bright lights and loud noises, keep the room at a comfortable temperature and do not watch TV or computer in your bedroom. Do not lie in bed while awake. 
If you can't sleep, do something else like reading or listening to music until you feel tired. Contact a doctor if you have trouble sleeping or feeling uncomfortable during the day. Most sleep disorders can be effectively treated

What is the disease if not sleep?
Through research, I hope scientists will learn more about the effectiveness and control of sleep. The main focus of the study is to understand the risks associated with prolonged sleep deprivation and the relationship between sleep and disease. People who suffer from chronic sleep deprivation are more likely to be overweight, have a higher risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, infections, and some types of cancer. Sleep disturbances are common with age-related neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. 
There is a lot of mystery about the connection between sleep and these health problems. Does lack of sleep cause certain disorders, or do certain diseases cause sleep deprivation? These questions and many more questions about sleep represent the frontiers of sleep research.

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Who is The 1st KING of This World ?

Who is The 1st KING of This World ?
For much of human history, the king - the male king - had largely driven the power of civilization. Kings such as William the Conqueror , Genghis Khan and Tutankhamun   were incredibly important figures. From collecting taxes, to religious wars, the speech of kings was considered final.

Now the question can be asked who was the first king of the world?

The correct answer may have been lost in the dust of history or the  first king's written records could not give it a great deal of time.
 "It's definitely an unanswered question," says Mark Moon , a history professor at Penn State University.

List of Sumerian kings 
The Sumerian King List is an ancient manuscript of ancient and original kingsIt is written about existence. The text, discovered in the early 20th century, is so ancient that its first "pages" were written on cuneiform tablets. Some historians say that  the first king of the world is probably Iri-Hor or Neymar . They were the ancient Egyptian kings. Historians point to the Sumerian King list, suggesting that they once ruled the area around present-day Iraq.  Eckert Frame , a professor of language and civilization at Yale University , says
 According to Mesopotamian traditions included in the Sumerian King list, the first king was Alulim, the ruler of the city of Eridu. It is said that he ruled for 1,200 years in the city of Kish. The first chapters of the Bible, Noah's Ark, which has some remarkable similarities to the story of the great flood or dissolution. '

The Sumerian King list is literally nothing. It is made by combining realism with myths ; So the kings seem to have ruled for ten thousand years. But we know that it is not possible for anyone who has 3 or more to survive.Many of the characters mentioned in the first section of the Sumerian King list are clearly fictitious personalities. May-Bargesi is said to be the first ruler of Mesopotamia ( circa 2700 BCE ), and evidence for the rule comes from inscriptions found in vase fragments. He defeated Elam as the leader of the Babylonian city of Kishir, which is now in civilization in Iran, and after that he led his people for 3 years. Unless the ridiculous 5-year reign is included, May-Begresi may be the first king in history. However, he is not the only contender for the title. John Darnell , a professor of Egyptology at Yale University , says, "The first ruler whose rule we can see a little bit is the man who was buried at U-Z in Abydos. This tomb is older than 3320 BC. Chronologically it appears that he was the first king of the Egyptian Empire." "

Darnell says that researchers are still trying to understand the different parts of their invention that may represent some part of the early history of the human race. Evidence of the conflict points to an important war in the past that led to a unified civilization, led by someone who may have   been known as King Scorpion .

Egypt thebana Western Desert at gyabela tajauti darnela was discovered, on a bajarera an imp carving has been shown, it is a symbol which means "king" or the god of Egyptian history has meant horasake.

Darnell , who has spent decades studying Egyptian history , says that "Scorpion" is the earliest ruler, for which I believe we can propose a title even if we don't know his name, King Scorpion. "

Historians are still trying hard to give accurate ideas about our history. 
We are honoring their efforts to end this article. There was a request to read our next post and to share it with friends.

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DOOMS DAY is Near -Humanity is under Threat

A rumor spread in world around the 20th - the next date will be Resurrection.Rumors spread so much to the people that news of one's suicide came in the newspaper for fear of the Resurrection.
The ancient Mayans created a calendar, probably for the next several thousand years.
This calendar triggers a myth, that the world will be destroyed in 202.
The reason for spreading this myth was that the Mayan calendar was made up to 252 AD.
Whatever the reason, the mysterious man has taken it as a sign of the Hour.
There is a reason behind the fact that the rumors of the world being destroyed are able to make such an impact.Both religion and science individually foretell the complete destruction of human civilization.
There may be different opinions about when that will happen, how it will happen, but nobody seems to disagree about the inevitable destruction.
The words I have talked about so far are meant to come in context, now it seems that it is better to come back to the real words without being Scientists have discovered a clock to calculate when mankind could be destroyed.
The clock is named "Doomsday Clock" , or the hour of the hour.The clock will be destroyed at twelve o'clock this night - this is the law.Right now it's 4 minutes at 4pm on Doomsday Clock, which means that while you're reading this article, there are only two more minutes left on the Day of Judgment!
There is nothing to blame for the author's reading of the insanity - but there is a need for a bit more explanation.
After the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki , former scientists at the Manhattan Project began publishing a magazine called "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists," drawing a clock onthe cover of each edition, from first to last.It was published in the publication of "Taylor & Francis" and its main content is the issue of global security and various public policies.In the current context of the current world, the magazine talks about the threats we are facing every day due to nuclear bombs, climate change, destructive weapons, biological disasters,It is still one of the most famous science magazines in the world today.
Let me tell you a little about the watch on the cover.The name of this watch is the Doomsday Clock.This is exactly what the Doomsday Clock indicates, given how dangerous the world is.People are now living at greater risk than ever before.Now, the use of nuclear energy is increasing for both good and bad purposes.Nuclear power plants are being built on the one hand, nuclear weapons are being manufactured on the other.In addition to nuclear risks, climate change, world politics, warfare, etc.
At 12 o'clock at midnight the clock is indicative of the destruction of human civilization (my project is twelve o'clock - where can you catch the 12 o'clock?).
As far as the clockwise 12 o'clock, people are at a distance from destruction.In Doomsday Clock, however, time can be manipulated, ie time can be traversed.If the conditions of the earth improve somehow, the clock will turn around.
When the concept of this watch was introduced in the 5th, it had twelve minutes to play.The Doomsday Clock has been changed 22 times so far.The nearest time of the night was twelve o'clock in its history at 5 o'clock, 5 minutes, twice.The United States and Soviet Russia began testing hydrogen bombs for the first time on April 3, and now, at 25, considering nuclear weapons and climate change.
The purpose of the Doomsday Clock is to warn the people of the world.At each moment, be reminded how far they stand at the gates of destruction.
And how much we should stop, when should we be careful.
We have reached exactly the end of the experiment we are dealing with "Mother Earth".
The best time to cross the globe so far on Doomsday Clock, or the best time, is 1.5 minutes, that is, 12 minutes with 5 minutes left.That is, from the time of an imaginary clock, we can understand the stability of the earth's military and climate at that time.
And the worst time to cross the globe is now, 20 years.Why, those of us whose eyes are open, surely we know less.Many of you are already familiar with the Dooms Day Clock that you may not have even noticed before.
The title of the song "Minutes to Midnight" in Lincoln Park is inspired by the Doomsday Clock.And Iron Maiden's song "2 Minutes to Midnight" fits the purpose of Doomsday Clock.
Those who have seen the movie "Watchman" are already familiar with this clock.
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In 10 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About DOES ALIEN EXIST?

What does you think Aliens are waiting to destroy our planet?
Wait before comes to any decision let's talk about does Aliens really exist?
So my friends today in this post I'm going to reveal some legit points about ALIENS presence.
First let's find out what does ALIENS means exactly the life I mean the living thing what
Exist outside of our planet is called alien.
But problem is the existing one in the world when the people of science fiction
Alien listening to the word, and it will be a lot of human akritira.
Which of the two hands, two legs and two eyes.
But if we think of a scientific way, but that's behind it,
Aliens will be the real meaning of life in another earth.
And the living things that have been mentioned, but it can be any shape.
It is not necessary that it would be the same as human beings. That is, if in another world
However, ants or birds are found as values ​​what an alien would be to catch.
But our heads are built in such a way that we think of the word Alien
This means that in a strange alien world for the destruction of large wild animals
Sitting desperate. But I'm not saying that it can not be
In fact, they may like human beings. Depending on the point
Bahihbisbera what the weather would be like, depending on the climate of the animal organism
The shape will be.
Since then, thousands have since NASA establish
Have a lot of incident that proves the existence of aliens.
How in the world could have another life. Earlier, we need to know
The process of how life began on our earth.
The first will be for us a lot at the beginning, when the world was young.
Scientists have not yet been able to figure out the basis for how life came to earth. Many have given many theories about it, but the best and most accepted theory is that life began first on earth. And according to this theory, the source of life on Earth was created by Amino Chemical. That was a long time ago. In fact, it has existed on earth ever since it was created. According to this theory, the molecules of amino acids have been randomly colliding with each other for years.
Life Formation means that the right combination is very much needed for the process of life formation.
Fortunately one day after millions of collisions and random combinations, fortunately, the chemical connection of those atoms or atoms occurred, resulting in a formation through which life originated on this earth, ie the first organism in the world. Then slowly there was the creation of complex complex shaped organisms.
You may have read in the book or at school as a kid when life began at sea.
And that's the mystery behind it. That is why the name life on water is called.
However, here is another excellent theory of PANSPERMIA that says that life existed on another planet. And it was spread by different meteorites, the Universe, on different planets in the universe. And luckily, one meteorite came to Earth.
And that's why many people support this theory.
So if the description of the first theory is correct, then of course, just as life originated in our world, there is no other living being anywhere on this planet other than this universe. And if the 2nd theory is correct, there are still many meteorite bodies that are being exiled from one place to another (on the planet).
It may be natural to have life on another planet, but on the other planet it is much less likely that there will be animals with two hands and two legs just like us. And it is also less likely that aliens have the ability to think like we do. The reason is that if that was the case then they would have communicated with us today and There have been so many articles out there about aliens, but theories have been put up everywhere but there is no proper or strong news that there are aliens.
And the American Espace Agency, NASA, continues to racer aliens. NASA has so far received many documents of the aliens' existence, but almost all of them contained half of the data, with no complete data indicating that the aliens existed. Pictures of many UFOs floating in the sky are circulating on the Internet, but after observation, they are found to be artificial images made by human computers, otherwise some meteorites floating in the sky.
According to some people, the famed French astrologer Nostradamus (Michel de Nostredame) predicted that the aliens would occupy the Earth.
Click here to find out if Nostradamus's other prophecies came true or not.
However, even if we do not know that there are living aliens like us in any other atmosphere in any other world, it will take millions of years for them to come to this earth. Year = 5.879e + 12 miles) So if they want an advanced advanced vehicle, it will take them thousands of years. Unless RA oyarmahale coming by. Click here to learn about wormhole.
Today in this post, all over the internet that the aliens are coming to attack the earth or the aliens are coming to be our friends.
Don't forget to comment below about your idea of ​​aliens.
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Top 5 Mystery Facts of Pyramid

Top 5 Mystery Facts of Pyramid 

If I ask you what is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?
You might say
Kashmir or Switzerland.
But this time I ask you, which is the most mysterious place in the world?
So think what it could be???
Hey there it's Egypt .
Yes Egypt is one of the most mysterious places on earth.

Nearly 3,000 years ago, Egyptians lived comfortably there, and at this time they have created many state-of-the-art art works. And in addition to these art works, they have uncovered many mysteries.

Let's find out the 5 wonders of the Egyptian pyramid.
But before you get started, if you like all of these posts, be sure to share on your Facebook 

1. Pyramid  : The Egyptian pyramids are a wonderful sign on this earth. Scientists have been conducting their experiments for many years on these pyramids, but today no one has been able to discover the mystery of how they made a piece of stone together or what substance they used in it, and how or where they all came together in the same way. It's really weird. It is scientifically impossible to make such a thing in that era. You may be surprised to know that in one pyramid only 20 target limestone rocks were used, but as it takes time and effort to move these stones from one place to another, At that time you will end up watching a football game. So imagine how they (the Egyptians) then built these things so perfectly together. The weight of one bolt or stone in the pyramid is about 25-6 kilograms. The cranes or machines used to build the present-day building house have a maximum capacity of up to 20 kilograms, but no one has ever been able to know how many large stone Egyptians built pyramids together at that time.
However, there are many scientists who believe that humans are not the only ones to do this work with humans on different planets came to Earth, which we usually call ALIEN.  
You might be shocked to hear what all the wonderful things are saying here, but if you do a little search you will find that an article called Orion Correlation Theory is on Wikipedia,

It has been said that if you look at the pyramid from a distance during the night, you can see that they indicate the location of the 5 stars in the sky.

Scientists think that in the past, ALIEN came from these stars on earth to interact with people and bring them the latest technology that has made them the Pyramid of Egypt. So that they can use these pyramids as their stations to come back in the future.

2. Pyramid Tunnel: The Pyramid is a mystery fest whose walls are full of mysteries. The tunnel inside the pyramid is one of them. There are tunnels in several places in the pyramid that may seem like a breeze to people in the first place, but it turns out to be completely wrong when a robot is inserted into one of these holes and crosses the tunnel one by one and sees it at the end of each tunnel. One closed door. According to many, it is said that there is another room behind this door and then This is a small tunnel adhunika Drone Camera is trying to enter it below in this field  

And before the observation of the room, the camera suddenly shuts down. Since then the Egyptian government has never allowed any such operation inside the pyramid.

3. The   shape of the pyramid: How is the shape of the pyramid so accurate? That is, if you were to search the center of the earth in a map, you would be surprised to know that the Egyptian pyramid is at the center of the earth. But in the past, people believed that the earth was flat so how did they build a pyramid in such a right place? If you look more at this point, if you draw a line from the center of the pyramid, it points along the North Pole line, which is true even though it is non-linear.

4. Pyramid Stone: The   stone used to make the pyramid is millions of times stronger than any other stone. Limestone may look like stone but it is not a limestone. And after all the experiments on the scientists, it was concluded that such a rock is nowhere else on earth.
The Ball and Socket Method is used when creating a pyramid . It is a method by which if the rock is slightly expanded by the sun's rays from the outside, it can easily adjust and earthquake. Imagine how shock-proof people got to know about a thousand years ago.

5. AC in Pyramid :  In fact, it is strange to think how AC is possible inside the pyramid. However, 3,000 years ago, the Egyptians discovered natural AC through which, in the extreme heat of Egypt, the inside of the pyramid always had a normal temperature of about 20 degrees.
So now ask yourself once how they made these extraordinary things in modern times some kind of modern equipment. And if it is not, then did really different aliens come to earth to help people ???

Bonus Fact :

There is so much art in the pyramid in Egypt that will fascinate you and this is one of them
If you look at it, you will notice that the present-day Plane cars are painted, which is almost impossible for people to know. But how ???
Ask yourself and comment on what you think of these amazing things.

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